Thursday 31 December 2020

Year 2020

 Time does fly.

Well, 1 post for this 2020 stamp then.

Had a mini-resolution on my MRT ride this morning to revisit this weblog, and I actually did manage to squeeze some time during lunch to flip thru this year's photo memories for content.

But, I'll leave it for tomorrow then, or Saturday, or Sunday. Hah!

Goodbye 2020, it certainly has been a helluva ride





Oh hi I'm back. 
Well I guess this photo should stand in this place for this little old update.

Isaac Tan Yi.
4 Years & 3 months old
Handsome fella?

Wednesday 9 May 2018

A Day At The Polls

I've never exercised my rights before. Judge me or not, (and all this while, I had the privilege to meet some pretty vocal friends, but I never did get around to do it in the past) but irregardless I suppose things happened for a reason, and by the grace of God, I too get to do it finally this year.

Yes, I was a bit worried, since being on my maiden voyage this morning (probably affected the sleep pattern early this morning too) and read back and again about how to go about it, and yeah I went there alone, but made 2 friends, (and of course went back alone lol) and I've been thinking if I don't log this in; I'd probably let this post as un-published.

With half an eye on the other window about the on-going live feed of the counting at the moment (if that's what its' called) I shall make this quick, would probably miss a few bits but let's put up some pictures from an avid first-timer eh?

Speedy delivery for a freebie :)

Thank you, GRAB

OOTN omgosh
8:38pm, swung by the small bar beside the usual cafe I'm in and saw Pakatan leading 22-19. oo. Can't say the election fever didn't catch up on me.

Back to earlier today, jitters aside (i mean, what if my vote cast would be deemed spoilt?) I reached the school of dubious name (I remembered it was called another chinesey name when I used to live around there, the infamous school that caused major jams for the residential area) and to my relief I got the right school and the queue was amazingly long. Bumped into a guy with 2 kids who asked if of the school similarly to me, and I kinda gave him the #fakenews of not wearing slippers. He went back to the car (after asking his 2 boyos to stay there, I kinda stood there to watch over them without a word spoken of) and to my horror and realization of giving out the wrong info when I saw a couple leaving the compound with inked forefingers, and with sandals *gulp!
He was surprised to see me standing with his kids still; but I told him 'bang, i think i told you #fakenews bro' and we went our way.
Obviously the noob, I had trouble connecting to network to check on which 'saluran' I was on. The kind officer checked it out for me and was directed to the other end of the school.
Reaching there, I saw the malay brother at the same queue as me, with his 2 boys at the corner playing on a smartphone. And so we struck conversations one after another, and it was amazing too, if its not for this, I'd probably had the brilliant idea to not queue and go to Riana Green for breakfast or fill in some work or something.
Nik (the guy with 2 kids) works for Perodua, same like me, used to live around the area, got to know about his wife's adventure yesterday travelling back to Kedah, his 2 kids, but the thread that got on pretty long was about his success in shedding some massive weight; he is about 65kg now, 5 years ago he was 130kg! and with this we talked about diet and exercises (oh well, as you know not-so-Constant Reader, I don't exercise per se) and somehow we got to know Din the guy behind me.
By the 2nd hour leading up to the queue , we'd have touched about a few things of life, and somehow we teamed up as a gang to send one out to get water (and subsequent sneak out for a smoke) and I myself went for a sekolah-kebangsaan-Toilet-walk-down-memory-lane (oh, the smell and the mozzies!!!)
Nearing the third hour mark, I've managed to help Din to set up his finger ID and Facial ID on his phone (for I spied he was still unlocking with patterns, so i kepo-ed) and I managed to tell them about my not-so-unusual situation of not actually from there; and how last year being cash-strapped in Taiping I found out my registration would put me in PJ, and by the grace of God the doors were opened for me to be back here this year to be able to vote here this morning. Hallelujah!

In all fairness, all 3 of us didn't exchange numbers or soc-meds or a selfie; it was an amazing experience to know this 2 strangers (and the teamwork) we'd probably not meet each other (and if having a number would generally be swept in the loads of contacts, I suppose all of us have too many one-off chance encounters, or maybe just me) and it certainly made each of our time waiting in the queue much pleasant.

Went back to the room and knocked-out, (most of the friends are back in Taiping anyway), there are distant friends nearby, but it's a day to reflect on, rather than reach out i suppose. Initially I planned to leave the polling station and make a trip to FGT for a prayer intercession , but as I was done with lunch at 2:30pm, (and of course, probably a RM50 for travelling) I headed to the house and had my quiet time before dozing off.
And lo, I got up and put on the new shirt from Grab (i didn't dare to wear it this morning , another #fakenews) and I am here having a cuppa after food, and probably will move to the shop next door with the live telecast on the telly.

Thursday 15 March 2018

A Timely Update

Gah, I have weblog still.

Somehow it does your head in whenever you want to get back to one and record another piece of journal; the mother of all dragons writing blocks just basically pops it's head out and snipe you off and you are just staring at the screen and probably typed (and re-typed) a bajillion times rambling away while you are trying to figure out which should you share this.time.around.

Hello everyone 
oh yes.
I am alive, still busy and happy and amazed by what God has done.
I've recently (okay 2 months already) relocated back to the city, took upon a J.O.B. on a temporary basis but with the amount of work needed, I've scaled down my travelling back home to twice a week effective last week.
God has been GREAT in His provisions, peace, purpose, power and protection, and I know I am on the threshold of something good/great and just basically following where He is opening doors for me.

I had a wee bit of time today after so many consecutive days of 10am - 11pm's, and I got around to clear some of my clutters on this laptop, and had a productive coffee sesh + work from the cafe nearby (which I've stopped for 2 weeks or so of intensive here and theres in addition to waking up later than expected) and managed to make progress on the remaining pending graphics side-gig I have (Thank You Lord) , and finally got a temporary work-around to uploading the few audio recordings of church that I half-abandoned the plan for .... 4-5 months?

But I suppose the highlight of my day is this. I managed to discipline myself and follow my heart to just register (and purchased the tickets) for the KingdomCity Conference18 that's happening this October. I suppose it is a leap of faith indeed, seeming my position/and availability (if I am still with the co, hopefully) isn't all that guaranteed; but I believe in Him and in our prayers.
I am also looking forward to more signs on how I am going to accommodate Joshua when he is coming down for the conference, of course I'd love to put him up at the exact hotel itself , in which I suppose I could afford it.. I mean, I saw on Agoda it is going for RM350/night; rather than the usual rate of RM600) but I am keeping it wide-open, and somehow I got the prompt to message his wife and let her know my half-plans on the accommodation bit; and so we shall wait and pray about it :D

yikes, mozzies.
well, I reckon I didn't do half bad today eh?

I'll hopefully update in a while once back to the room.

Saturday 27 January 2018

Keeping the Faith

It has certainly been a great year for me.
From a standpoint of anyone; I am still the same unemployed jock and alarmingly close to wondering how on earth I could hole myself up in Taiping for another year. I couldn't have done it by myself, as I have to give glory to His name with His love for me as how I managed to live by faith and paying forward the love given to others.
I am amazed by Him in what He has made it possible to me in times of need and the constant protection and provisions.

To the uninitiated; I am pretty busy doing His works day in day out. Yes, secularly it does seem why am I wasting my time not making money like any other person, or building my own dreams by being in the rat race; but I am well-aware in my doing His good works coupled with sporadically (and blessed) given chances to do my multiple pipelines (although, to be honest, most of it are non-duplicables; but hey, i am grateful for the things and money coming my way )

(update ~ late January)
As I am resuming this composition (since it has been stuck on my G.Keep for weeks) in a café nearby my rented room in Sect.14 PJ, I am on my first 6 days here (well, not counting the 2 separate consecutive work weeks being down here as Mr. MT Suitcase in hotels (and occasional motels) and it has been an adventure thus far.
Office is in KL city center, yet this week I've yet to touch the office but rather doing mobile offices in cafés wherever I wish (or afford anyway)
The Lord showed His way and guidance, evidently in how I get to the room as it is finely situated in between a good location between a LRT station (which is my main commute, coupled with GrabCar and OBike) and Lifeline Harvest Church (which has a night course that I felt-led to attend since last year) and additionally as I being the dumb-fool I am; found out there's another church that I would definitely want to visit; I am even nearer to this Kingdom City church.

I am looking forward for this (these few) season(s) working in KL and travelling back to Taiping indeed as I know have Him this time around and it will definitely be different, hallelujah!

Monday 6 November 2017


Talk about disappointments, came home last night after that 1-nil defeat to Chelsea and basically just sunk myself into the bed and tried hard not to touch the phone (and check twitter feeds and articles  about the match)
To be honest, I found myself thinking that I really am starting to doubt United could ever come back into any game once they got behind, finally after all these transitional years. It was hard to admit that I, the now-casual fan, the ever believing in our epic comeback belief and 'standard', that as of last night I was still meditating on the positive that they'd somehow turn that deficit and finish the game with 3 points but it just went on and on that I had the dread that, yes, it is true I shall admit I would be willing to boldly say "phew, what a relief, what a lucky save from defeat" rather than the old "I knew we can do it!"  
Read some articles before that Mourinho doesn't really have a good record of coming back from the (half)dead, and I suppose that is a major factor in me finally conceding that the fighting spirit isn't as it used to be, well, ditto the other 2 nincompoops before him; that's another level of frustrations (and heaps of it) then.

okay, enough football.

The previous week was a bit a of disappointment too, I was down for an extended full week of fever-cold-cough hybrid, busy as ever; but I had to postpone a couple of things to this week, thank God for the in-betweens that I was well enough for certain activities throughout the week that required certain health status, I mean, I know right. There by the grace of God, really a case of it.
But praise be to Him, I went through pretty well, and as I woke up today I feel like a million bucks and ideas aplenty for the week! Hallelujah

But since I am on here about disappointments, I was pretty messed up with them feels some time ago, I suppose 2 weeks back? Mayhap it culminated in me falling sick and didn't get in the right frame of mind to get out of it; hence being sickly for the duration, I mean, I thanked God for the time to rest and heal my hurt and really reflect upon things (or thangs, ala Rick Grimes) and even to try and practice what I preached (oh yes, I missed out on writing about my little sharing a couple of days ago! watch this space) 

I was a wee bit discouraged in the sense that my designs weren't getting anywhere somehow, it kinda happened sometimes I suppose; and since it happened pretty much back to back during that period it did affected me in such a way that perhaps I ain't that good in copying styles, and thanks to my ego of thinking designs are basically re-using other styles and incorporate it in a new canvas per se, it certainly didn't help when I kinda put much thought on it and I always thought this year itself my designs has been inspirations from my many meditations with Him and it has and felt time-and-time again that it really is something fresh and somewhat attractive and I've really progressed as compared then. But you'd be sure the Devil or the devil in you would inexplicably make things a bit of a self-searching somewhat; I suppose I'd take it as I've been having little victories here and there and somehow I'd fall, when I did it for my own glory, yes? I would say this wasn't the case, and I'd take criticism well I suppose; but being human, I'd fall nevertheless eh?
Short version: went through 2 bouts where I questioned whether I am on the right path; it gave me a good wake-up call indeed. I was having a round of building castles in the sky (can't brain what was the Arabian Nights equivalent at the mo') when I was so bent on calculating what are the 'riches' (hey, RM150/job is good money right now) would be once I nailed that one gig, but alas it was disappointing indeed when I didn't receive a single reply from the potential client. Furthermore, the self-doubt kicked into effect when I ostracized myself for sharing the testimonial of my alleged triumph in creating the 6 variant designs in a day with the inspiration from the Lord; and to add salt to the wound, I received a comment on how visually stunning it is to compare the graphics done by so-and-so church and getting ideas from so-and-so mega churches from KL; and yeah, it kinda kicked this ol' dog further down the rung when I've been following these fellas and accommodating a more traditional approach recently since most of us aren't used to it when the actual is upon us (I used to copy and simplify to minimalist styles for trendier distribution; but it kinda missed the plot as I'd have to add more 'details' to clutter my designs) and so I was quite discouraged.

But then again, as I think, thank, (speak) tongue, try, trust and triumph in the Lord, this is a good opportunity as I see the light of how I should pick myself up from my own self-wrought prison. With the advent failure of getting that gig; I have a good look at the designs I made (of course there is a tingling curiosity to check their new ads from now on) and kinda realized it is another sign that I should start to continue being serious about this MSI and build my own portfolio. I mean, I know a bit of website making at the moment (and learning more hopefully with the next church project) and all in all I could even start a site without committing to a domain , as yet. 
All hope isn't lost, eh? hallelujah

I thank You Lord, for this, amen!

Trainspotting much?

Tuesday 31 October 2017

of Weeds and The Devil's Grass

And so..

Yep, I've been busy and today would've probably gone if I don't get my ass off the red ball and open this tab and just report in, eh?

This morning I was up about 7-ish and by 8:30am I found myself at Sis. Michelle's house; and spying a bit on the progress (or rather desolution) of what I finally did last Thursday squirting some carefully and expertly concocted weed-killer to umm, kill them weeds. I remember clear as day that I've been postponing it for weeks; I reckon it must've taken me a good month and a half (thanks be to our lovely Taiping RAIN) and of course, the recent heatwave that affected the country to mess up my excuses.
No way I am a constant gard'ner, amigo!
I mean, it wasn't as if I would never get around in doing it; I was just bidding my time since I was practically very busy with other things and this is technically a chore; and I am sure the great Lord impressed upon me to "Hey, promises Kevin, promises"
So anyway, back to the weeds of the house. Apparently it is either they (the weeds, not people) are tough bastards or somehow the bottle of poison just ain't poisonous enough. I mean, I took a bloody good care to sight-pour (bar terminology aka skillfully pour by sight to accuracy) and even on most occasions (mixed a total of 5 rounds, since I used a 1.5ltr PET bottle) I kinda deliberately allowed an extra 3/4 ounces more...but I suppose that bit of rain that drizzled later that afternoon nullified it?
All evidence points to what akin of me giving them weeds a fashion make-over as I saw those rascals (weeds, not people) sporting some blonde streak to their green overalls.
I shall not give much grievance to them weeds; just you wait. Hopefully not the next month or so I shall be on Round Two Operation Desert Blades.

So, anyway, back to 9am this morning, they (people, not the weeds anymore) bundled into my oddly scented and still dirty car and off we went to Aulong market, which I practically has not even seen it before in my supposed 30 year ever since moving here when I was a wee lad. It was a lengthy affair as Michelle was getting some clothes from the stalls; and by noon (finally) we swung by the church and dropped off the pastry blessing to the office and Ps. B before heading our way to town for fruits and packed meals.
Ps. B was surprised that I have been helping Michelle out for about 2 months now (give or take) and my weekly routine (minimum once a week) of picking her up for appointments, bank runs, mixed food & fruit runs, and other miscellaneous things.

With the sun running up I suppose I dropped them back at Zenith Park (awesome name for a housing area eh) and drove homeward by 2pm. Practically drained of batteries and postponed things (and thangs) pending and had a pretty good nap, thank God!

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Heidi's birthday week / The Dark Tower with memories of her

Happy birthday Heidi. Another birthday we didn't get to celebrate for you. I couldn't remember what did I do last year, I suppose I might be watching (or kept it till then) 11.22.63 to reminisce your fond memory, then. With the heavier schedule (well, mine. and also the slew of S.King's movie /series adaptation) this year, I've been constantly reminded how great it would be to go through these favorite adaptations and general releases and of course, what the family has been going through.

And with the new seasons of the Arrowverse (and the amazing part is Harry has started Arrow all by himself this week too, will wait a bit to let him know that we watched it on your final few months) coming back this week as well; I need to get around to watch at least one of the following that I've been keeping about when I am in a proper mode (aka distractions nada mode)  
Thus far I've been keeping your much-awaited Pirates of the Caribbean 5(or 4 if you prefer to call it) and the much-surprising The Dark Tower. Well, it was fortunate of me to be blessed with a screening of IT earlier the month, and it was superb indeed and I am sure you would be happy with the new adaptation of splitting the 2 timelines apart, as I did.

I finally watched The Dark Tower, amidst the negative reviews online and various bashing and those click-baitey '10 Worst Movies of 2017' nonsense that almost always has a thumbnail of this movie.
That's why we can't have nice things, eh?

Fantastic cast for Roland (I mean, Idris Elba is a joy to watch, and never failed like EVER!) and certainly Matthew McConnaughey (bah, sorry hard to spell and can't be bothered to check) exudes the sexiness of Marten/Randall Flagg/The Man in Black(okay too many names right?), and certainly the 'extra' flashback scene of reciting the gunslingers' creed with papa gunslinger sent goosebumps to finally hear it on a beautifully sequenced movie. Oooh! (good thing the blue-lit bullets/sandalwood guns were only added to the awesome trailer, and not for the movie HA!)

As I was watching it, my mind's eye (ear) did recall and re-imagined you pausing between scenes to check or say something is missing from this adaptation as with any other in the past, and most certainly "where is Susannah & Eddie" even I do admit I felt it when I look at the screen time of hour and a half.
Nevertheless, I am sure you will enjoy it too, as we know most definitely a bullet to Walter O'Dim would only keep him/it down for a while, and I am sure (hopefully there are sequels) the ka-tet would be complete on the next few movies.

I am sure, too, that you would beam when I'd tell you there will be a TV series prologue based off our favorite Wizard & Glass with the same cast (wow) ,well, only Idris Elba haha!

Until then, I say thankya sai and Happy Birthday up there, A Chi