Sunday 12 July 2015

Things We Lost / A Requiem

Days trickle to weeks since you were gone, and I haven't dealt with this closure.
I will never get around to your wish of photoshop-ing Iago & you as a proud 'angler' on a boat.

I'll miss your infectious laughter on funny excerpts from our mutual fictional reads
I'll miss your reviews (and half-challenge) on
I'll miss your complaints on old man George R.R.Martin's hobby in delaying writing his darn magnum opus and G.o.T has caught up
I'll miss the moments (and re-winds) we laughed over funny scenes from our The Flash and other TV series
I'll miss the easter eggs and cliffhangers from those too
I'll miss the fact that we'll never watch your Captain Jack Sparrow next year (or the next)
I'll miss the supposed Hokkien word-play games we half-hatched for the next family gathering
I'll miss the eventual chance to show you any of the Metal Gear Solid (s) that you have shown interest in the music
I'll miss your eagerness in my cooking and our supposed next year's dishes
I'll miss your infamous Babi Pongteh indefinitely
I'll miss your kindness and love for Chance and your stories with him
I'll miss your love for Iago and my sorry for not being able to find him

Oh well
Knowing you were in a better place, and hoping you get to read, watch, play, eat and being with Popeye, Rascal, Sly and Iago (at least I think Iago should qualify beyond the Rainbow Bridge) I guess I'm glad and hope all of us will meet again.
As long as Heaven has internet, and torrents.

R.i.P dear Sis

I'll miss the +1's from you, on this weblog, and on Google+
I'll miss the chance to ever write any more for you to read and encourage