Wednesday, 30 November 2016

3-Way Sweet Potato Fries with Roasted Garlic Aioli

There and back again. 
(remember to insert a hyperlink, tomorrow when the post is up)

Anyhow, dropped Aunt Girlie off at the bus station on Tuesday, and then stopped by the fresh produce stalls near Kamunting for Mom to stock up on them bananas. We found a major piece of a sweet potato (in which I shall henceforth christened Hulkbuster; although, in retrospect it should be Black Panther's Hulkbuster armor with its color scheme, but I can't remember if it does indeed have a name?) and since Mom wanted to get it for its' tiny little shoot to , um, well, re-grow it back, I offered her to do something with the rest of that spud. In any case, she was unsure what to cook with it due to its size, so I stepped in promising something else, though at the back of my mind I knew I wanted to do some Sweet Potato Fries, yet I knew I had to keep it a secret from her since her sort-of dislike to All-Things-Fried.

So yeah, I've never did these hand-made fries, except when I did/learnt them on one such kitchen roll-out during the ol' Kitchen Manager days. Of course, as with all things, in theory it should work! :D
To be fair, I switched it up a bit and since I wasn't sure Mom will be okay with the fried stuffs; I decided to leave those that I pre-baked as it is, hence I am left with 3 styles of fries, well to be fair, it isn't exactly tri-style, since it is just bake vs fried, but perhaps someday I shall do a proper third way. So on with the game recipe!

3-Way Sweet Potato Fries with Roasted Garlic Aioli
The Fries
Sweet Potatoes - washed, scrubbed (or skin-off up to you) cut into similarly 1/2 inch shoe-strings (a minimum of 1/4 inch is the thinnest I'd go, I suppose it might be too thin)

Seasonings & Dry Batter
Oil; Olive 
Salt & Pepper
Smoked Paprika
Onion Powder 
Asam Boi Powder ~ perfect with guava!
Starch - I use Sweet Potato Flour : gah! case of dipping chicken in egg batter!

Roasted Garlic Aioli with Ulam Raja
Garlic; Whole - roasted whole til browned, then hulk-smash
Yolk & Oil & Juice ~ aka Mayonnaise. I started late, so I had to make do with el-cheapo packeted un
Kalamansi; Juice of 1 - decided to change it a bit
a bit of Olive Oil to further smooth it a bit
Ulam Raja; Chopped - a few sprigs chopped up and folded into once the mayo has set/chilled

Prep Time : 20 mins or so           Cook Time : 10,15 mins depends on how many batches, really
Wash Up Time : oh, pretty messy doughy and oily! oh my
Satisfaction Level : Yes, yay high, killing 3 cravings under an hour's playing around the kitchen.

How-To Steps
1. (I am not going to list out the usual pre-heat oven/toaster/car/ etc here) Wash and prep the tatters, peel off if you have to. With a proper knife you should be able to cut it to 1/2 inches, then proceed to split those again lengthwise 1/2 inches to individually thick fries. Whenever you get to parts that will result in short and stubby fries,..well it generally falls to you on how to cut em up.
From here, I split them into groups of 3 (well, a group of 2 in this instance : 2/3 of them in a pile for Frying, and the 1/3 for Baking) with similar pieces by color. Toss about with some oil.

Bake ~ Line the pieces on the tray, making sure it is somehow oiled I might add. I didn't salt these for I wanted these to be plain and boringly baked (teehee, bias much?) 
Fry (1) ~ Over an ever ready pot of oil, fry half of the potatoes for <5 minutes to a nice golden brown. Those fries lesser than 1/2 inches should be done under 3 minutes. Whisk/Net/Chopstick these out and season with pinches of Salt, Pepper & Paprika for the Mat Salleh fries. 
Fry (2) ~ Spoon some Starch on a plate/container and add in a few pinches of Salt, Onion Powder, Pepper. Mix them well. Dust and coat the remaining fries and proceed to fry for <5 minutes for a crispy golden brown finish. This batch should be sprinkled generously with Asam Boi Powder for some Taiwanese fries.

3. This step should've been number 1, since I made them earlier. The Garlic Mayo.
Roast the garlic, pulverise or blend whichever you may fancy, fold in the mayo (or DIY mayo, I ain't gonna judge) the juice and seasoning. Leave it to chill and socialize and marry. Prior to serving, pop into the garden and pick whichever you have in excess to rough chop it up and mix into the mayo.

4. Plate up and Sweet Potatoes.... Assemble!

Okay, next up, November Update where I need to crack my lo-memory state and try to figure out things from my monthly transfer of phone pictures to the camera roll...but I have a sneaky feeling I might not have that many worthwhile pictures other than the Ipoh family camp... oh my..

Well, I guess I could do the CW DCU's crossover event episode 1 first in the meantime. Go Flash!

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

October in Pictures

Trying out this collage as a blog graphic (just to see how it fits kind of) , perhaps this might be how I'd weblog an entry for every month, seemingly I can't (and somehow sort of lost any bit of motivation to do so) be back to regular weblogging somehow, with the mounting excuses it certainly defied the whole intention of blogging.

October has and perhaps always had been a mix-bag of bittersweet month, evidently more so from last year onward. In short, I wouldn't really pin it as a bad month (for me); it's just synonymous with so many other things that if I were to simply put it as a "Them Feels" Month is too general in nature.
I struggled (and procrastinated reasoned successfully) to not do/write about 5 posts that was pretty high-up on my list to do prior to October, and hence I found myself unprepared when it (the month) rolled over and I asked myself; and justified that there will always be a tomorrow. Of course, it does and it doesn't and perhaps all in all this is me 'reporting' and justifying my spent month, in chronological order:

Heidi's birth-date was on the 10th, and we finally got together and managed to move her urn to the niche, sort of a moving-in of the final physical items, after like 17 months.
I suppose I am half-happy with the final plaque bearing an absolute 90-odd percent semblance to my design (She always did encourage and love my designs and etc) but alas, it was a shame there was an annoying bit of spelling mistake on the engravings of a certain word, (engravers fault, not mine) that it had to be it. Now, I promised myself to 'fix' it, by figuring out the possible material for a stick-on for the word the next time we make our way to the memorial; since we certainly are not making the trip north this week for All Souls' Day (yeah, we don't really celebrate that, but we might, someday?)
Our trip was an extremely short one; reach the island by 9am-ish, pick up the urn and towards the ever-green and ever tranquil Penang Christian Cemetery, a quick lunch (yay Penang food), and a short stop in Sg Dua; and then it was back home for lunch.
Wasn't prepared, as I think about it now, could've just brought along that 1 snow-cap of hers I have as keepsake , oh well.

Bucket List #1 : One day, when I could afford and find a master sculptor, man. (this has been around 80+ years!)

certainly not my favorite Dhoby Ghaut's; but that will do in the mean time, that day.

truth be typed, I was mad at the engraver; it wasn't just that 1 spelling mistake, there were irregularities with  the capitals here and there...but then again, I don't think this was made digitally with auto-correct

On another note, Angél was sick a week prior, the vet said he was down with flu (of course, for a newbie with cats aka mois , I was dumbfounded-ly shocked, since I saw the sign of him having a bruised 1 eye and all I thought was he got scratched near his eyelids) and I suppose I must've muttered an idiotic line something like "Cats can get fever?" in Malay. Of course I was lucky enough with my 1 canine boy to not being sick when he was older, but then again, caring for a sick cat is way much harder! It isn't so easy to sneak or feed pills, certainly. But he was alright in under a week.
But on the morning of our trip to Penang, I found Angél's Wife #1 lying in the garden, which was pretty odd, since she was such a nimble ninja (actually both of his waifus are such cats. came for the food, and vanish as soon as you move an inch)
Black Face as what we unofficially call her, had gone to the other meadow by the rainbow bridge that morning. That was the first and final time I got to touch that cat that we know and don't know. Poor kid must've got poisoned somehow from her last scavenging hunt the night before, as I walked over to her owner and told her that my brother has dealt with the carcass. Days later, heard from her that her kitten had also joined his mum a day after. Oh well, poor kitties.
Angél is fine now; but I could still remember the whimper (do cats whimper?) cry from Angél when both of us found Black Face. damn
Mama Cat & Junior, happier times, September. R.I.P

Junior - could've fooled people as Angél. Similar markings, even with the shortened tail; though slightly smaller and without collar., eyes could've been a different shade 
The other big one was on the 7th.
Well, I wish I could avoid that.
The 7th actually has a deeper connection to that, as it was tied to a person of years' past. Yet it now shared an ambiguous date with the day I last see Chance.
1 year. 7 eff-ing doggie years.
I miss the boy.
I miss his fur on everything.
I miss waking up to see that jovial spirit with his hetero-chromia eyes
This is harder than I imagined.
How do you somehow explain this to a canine companion?
Yet I don't seem to do anything about it huh?
 Well, I wish I could avoid that. Choices, man. But. Soon.
the final last 2 pics of him before the pick-up. He must've felt something, 

I remember goading him to come up and take a pic with Angél, I can't brace myself to watch the video, not yet.

So what exactly have I been up to this sad ol' October?
Apart from the fortnight visits to Sunshine (and subsequent visit/prospecting to the other 2 prospective Christian Old Folk's last Wednesday) and attending a few activities by the Chinese Methodist & Chinese Gospel Hall, I did not commit to the 3-day combined camp by FGA though.
Did images for 2 sermon presentations, well, actually stayed up the night to fully start & finish Mom's first ever slides; pretty last minute since she wasn't sure whether to proceed with presentation anyway, but yeah I was proud and happy for her to get the courage to try that something new for herself. I mean, yeah, Dad has grown into this 'new and spank-ly original custom-made images' (not much on the latter, yet, I suspect) presentation slides. Although for Mom's maiden try it somehow wasn't to be, we forgot all about informing the need for a projection; so we made do with the few Gospel-Hallites squinting their eyes to see this RedYacer's screen whenever wherever.
Made a couple of other images as well, though not all were of usage as yet (even the Diwali ones, oh the shame)
Oh yeah, I've finally reconnected with my guitar-ing old self. Well, got the guitar loaned in by Ps. Cheah late September when he couldn't made a trip to Sunshine then, though I only did practiced once then; I've put in a teeny effort to touch the acoustic for a few practice sesh. So yeah, it was pretty alright. It is practically like riding a bike/ or swimming I suppose. You just don't forget how-to.
Taiping Chinese Methodist's 111th Anniversary service. Wow. Chaperoned Mom & Dad as VIPs

Kau Kee Choy Stir-Fry; one of many variations I started doing as these shoots were going on sale, found out it translates to Go Ji Choy as in the Goji berry's Goji. A bit of lazy to research then, but I suppose it is from similar cultivae? These leaves does have some berries, albeit different and so much smaller than gojiberries somehow. 

Lady's Fingers Red & Pale variants: Taman Kaya home-grown! Pretty productive month indeed to have quite a good harvest of our Red Okras (and even abundant Potato Leaves!) and Friendly-Black Chillies but alas; it grew to about the usual length of those locally found okras; however our neighbor's pale colored okras were freakin' huge! Our pale variant plant died off some time ago according to Mum; but both were 'smuggled' in from 4th Aunt's visit to Korea perhaps.

Dad's sermon at TCM Seniors service. That's a lot of senior citizens!

October is also a month of reconnecting with the bulk of tv series returning for their new seasons too.
I was raving madferrit for Marvel's Luke Cage late September, though I only binged it much later when the rest of the other shows were about to start again, well I haven't actually been as up-to-date on most series anyway. A lot more compared to the last didn't make the same-day watch-list; the only exception is that much-awaited episode of The Walking Dead, and most of The Flash. Almost every other show made the new pull-list for a later date. So far I've only caught a single episode (or 2) of each Gotham, Lucifer, Supergirl, Ash Vs The Evil Dead, Quantico, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, (okay this one was 2 episodes, since I think I like the 'new' Ghost Rider) like 4 episodes in I think of Blindspot, the new McGyver maybe 3rd episode. Both Arrow & Legends of Tomorrow were up to the week, though not as frequent.
And it's not just that, I've been cutting it slower too with them comics; week in week out I'd only do the current Civil War II's and actual tie-ins, and the occasional The Walking Dead & Archie (and their line-up) whenever they do appear. But with the way things ended September (Ulysses' vision of Miles Morales killing Capt') we got the inevitable surprise (hey, since it launched so early on) of Doom in Infamous Iron Man, yeah we know it's coming (Doom & Riri) and perhaps sensed a certain somebody's demise months ago but that certainly is a curveball, much too soon!
Pretty miffed to see the end of my much loved Vision & A-Force, but, fingers crossed for more gems to come and discover.
"...back to it! " yikes!

Come on, crossover already

So, what actually was my escape this month?
I hid myself in conquering China. Well, to be precise, shagging my way across making 'friends' & fighting/debating banditos & shady merchants across China in KOEI's (ok, KOEI TECMO) RoTK XIII
Introduced to this series when I was a wee boyo of , err 10 I think, by my brother during my school break it became a major influence on me growing up. I suppose that was in line about the time after my dear sis got me to read too; so when I got back home after the holidays I'd immersed myself in this classical Chinese literature. Gorged into it really like 2-3 times on the decades-old tomes from the school library smelly as f*#k; getting myself on the illustrated simpler bilingual copies like I suppose more than 10 times before finishing puberty mayhap. That was the gist of it. Of course, together with my Dickens',Twains', Dumas' & the other classic chaps; since I could only read English, and if you wanna know more about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms in the early 90's.... that's what you are left with. (since you are hopeless with Chinese symbols)
Anyway, before my connection gets sluggy in half an hour, better post this up, before I justify not to.
Not My ScreenShot