Wednesday 6 April 2016

About A Goddam Soup @ Another End To Another Hiatus

I never did post a single recipe for food, didn't I? 
I mean a full post on a certain food, complete with pics together with the recipe.
Mayhap for a beverage somehow, perhaps I might've posted a snippet or two on twitter or Instagram somewhat (gawd, that must've been ancient eh)
You know, a full recipe post with the how-to's like every goddam Google search for every goddam cuisine, no, I think I've lost my motivation to do those trendier under-a-minute how to videos sans audio,too.
I will stick to an old fashioned cooking blogpost, thank you.

I've never been a proper chef, per se. I would align myself as a mixologist first, as I used to clearly quote I've never for the life of me cook to earn a living (which, this fact should be redacted as it is getting closer to a year old anniversary since I gave my aforementioned cook-for-a-living virginity)

I suppose it's not because I am too conscious to actually blog about my recipe, nor I am *gulp* ashamed of my creations. I guess it's just another matter of the usual Kevin & his everything else too.

But I suppose things happen for a reason, as with my constant battle with my priorities these days. I was half researching for facts and trivias  (and ideas, but I'd say about  10%...really! I know how to make my bloody soup as spanking good with minimal ingredients ) and somehow it struck me this darn little soup is as confusing in its origin story.

I should keep this separate eh?
This way I hope I could go about and resume the other intended blogposts..somehow

________ approx 2 hours later___________
Thou shall remember to click Done and the Save icon whenever Thou blog from mobile.

Yes. I fell into that trap again years after my previous entry in justifying my apparent near-weblog posts.
The what now?
I seriously doubt I could draw from memory what I typed about ABC soup , I only have fragments and my recipe plus the 3 not-so-interesting-looking pictures.
Oh well I'll do it later or tomorrow then, if the muses decide I'm worthy.
For now, it is Me Time with iZombie and Agents of SHIELD, perhaps.