Wednesday 27 April 2016

the birthday posts

I (think) did my fair share of orphanage visits in my younger days, but I've never been to old folks' homes.
It was supposed to be just another day like these days as a sort-of-techie for Dad's pastoral duties and responsibilities, however somehow Harry skips out this morning (we kinda come in pairs, essentially he complements my dire lackness in Mandarin) and I found myself apparently as a goalie in a wheelchair with a blistering strike to the far corner. Not that I am a keeper anyway, nor in a wheelchair, but yeah, caught in no man's land or something of the like.
I suppose it wasn't that overwhelming, really. Sunshine Folks Home is relatively small and new, there were only 8 present this morning. At least from what I heard there should be another 2, but they were out for medical checkups. Okay I didn't count a lady who was half in half out, so yeah it was only 9 old folks this morning.
2 males , some in wheelchairs (not metephorically) most in their 80's, the oldest is a 93 year old male though he hardly looks and acts the oldest to be honest, and 2 Indian dames, from whence my shortfall came to light. I reckon I don't ever encounter conversation problems in Malay, but translating dialects and Mandarin to both English & common Malay in a pinch; now that's something new for me.
No doubt, I'd attribute the fact I've never did formal speech translations before, but it was just a small group of 9 ain't it? (Okay +2 ma & da, +3 party of Pastor Cheah and   +2 orderlies)
Teehee that was a moment of "common hall fright" eh?
At this moment in writing after about 7 hours (yeah practically crashed on the 2nd oh most glorious bed once got back home, thanks to staying up til 5-ish this morn replying my birthday thanks meme individually) I reckon
Eh, where was I?
I suppose I came away with a bit of experience , and with more practice I should be alright. It wasn't that shabby and there are ideas for more songs for worship. 2 weeks to go before the next visit, let's do this.
So that's basically I spent my 36th.
The first in 3 years to not being stuck elsewhere on working trips with my late sister.
The first back home, and this old folks home visit and embarrassing Internet speed.
I say thankya sai.

went through my Camera Roll folder and found the few pics during those days, well, I suppose so many donkeys years has gone by since I last made this particular drink; that was what I made, well it ain't a full-on scratch-recipe of Gold Medalist,but it has characteristics of it of course; although I managed to sneak in a good amount of home-grown mulberries into the mix.
Pictures ain't grand, I recalled it was sweltering hot as a dry cauldron these days; and I must've been racing to snap the pics after the candle-blowing affair. (the cake of course)