Wednesday 30 March 2011

Re-post February 24th : On Movies

On : Movies

“[sigh] I don’t have the strength to stay away from you anymore”
Watched bit part of Twilight earlier.. and I might say that the quote above was no doubt in my books ‘The Ultimate Seal The Deal’ in the Hollywood clichéd pickup line for the tormented souls. If I were to somehow walk into a sliding glass door and enlightened in the process to start to write or rather compile a ‘1001 Pick-Up Lines For The New Age’… that courtesy of Senor Edward Cullen would be the 1001st. 
Don’t get me wrong, I am not anti Twilight, nor Stephanie Meyer.. nor I’m a closet mega fan either.
somehow something just reminded me to do something right now,. now what was it? better speed along with this
what i have in mind’s eye is downright to this – it is the absolute ugly truth that girls love that bit of mystery in the guy – be it the darkness as long as they can’t figure yu out… at least in hollywood hah hah.
no need to guess which other movie i watched before Twilight eh?