Wednesday 20 April 2011

Of Jumpsuits and Tighter Pants

Rumors fit-out; Yes, it is TOIGHT! toight like a tyger! 

Gossips & mydressroom fit-out; yes, missed out the first jump-suit fitting of hers.

Misc - Buttons the Pomeranian, lil Kimberly, and the illegal picture in MPH of Ashleigh's FHM feature

Previous Friday the 15th, we were in Bangsar for a fit-out for this fashion gig. A good afternoon as the weather was decent alright when we reached, as we made our way along the boutiques on Telawi street. Found the 3 shops of course, and of course we only found out that I would only be utilized for just 1 fashion outlet. Loved the collection though, albeit being tight for my build. Of course we met this cute lil Pomeranian called Buttons. Well for the life of me, I just can't recall a single incident that I have any bit of fondness for toy dogs; but yeah Buttons did the trick on me. (gotta get myself checked in my allegiance, since these days I am o-kay with cats, even)

Mayhap Buttons is one oddball off his breed , to be decent and not even close to a nuisance like the rest of the bunch. Perhaps.

We also met this cute lil kid of 4 years of age, K-I-M-*-*-*-L-Y
Yes, she spelled it.
Besides that, well I gotta give her credit to see through my age under my facade to actually call me 'Uncle' and Pauline - 'Sis'.
Smart kiddo.

It rained like bastards after our little fit-out, and we spent some time at the bookstore in the mall nearby. In our excitement, we forgot that it is prohibited to snap pictures. Damage has been dealt, so we sauntered off elsewhere.

At the time of print. (or rather, log) kinda miffed to the fact that both of us will be missing out on another job for Marc Jacobs opening as it falls on the same day. Oh well, you can't have it all, yeah? (or rather, can't have the $400 Marc Jacobs shirt/dress)