Sunday 29 May 2016

Heidi Olivia Tan : In Memoriam 2016

I finally got round on the wee hours of Saturday to finish this montage in time (technically) to drop (woah, I've always wanted to use that word properly when showing a produced video, though "dropping your vids on dropbox" doesn't count as I've done that, and it ain't the same feel) this to commemorate Larry's obit on The Star.
It was hard as:
a) I didn't tell anyone of my intention, though I consulted myself on whether I should show my brother first for any thoughts, but since the hectic and stressful 2 weeks of Mum in a wheelchair situation, I only peeled myself off the half-sleep and started compiling those few pictures that I've been collectively scanned and pre-touchedup a few days past,
b) it was, well, I am not ashamed to admit it was a tear-jerking moment when editing and splicing this piece, as both pictures and footage and the song just cuts through every single time. Amazing to think that it took me 5-6 hours on the final go. (slow, but as I write this now, I could've balked and taken twice the time and just maybe it might not even get done)
c) I had my fears too. The main fear would totally be the song I chose would not be RIGHT somehow. Even I had my doubts when I was pre-rendering it; I was like "what if so & so thinks the song is a breakup song?" ah, the perils of having A Walking (retro) Shazam/Soundhound jukebox of a brother-in-law...but once I did my first proper preview of it, I had no doubt I chose the correct song.

Of course, I felt bad on leaving so many pictures out, and so many people somehow, and I kinda feel I missed out a lot pictures that I just couldn't find. I feel it is also too Kevin-flavored, I mean, I had 2 baby pics of myself in there. and even Chance has a spot,
I missed out pictures of her and Harry (since they grew up together rather) and even pics of her and her favorite niece too.
About the song, yeah I realized it was used and sung by Barbra Streisand herself in 2013 (i think) at one of the awards' ceremony in the in memoriam segment too (coincidentally in honor of the producer of the song/or was it the movie of the same name?) and yeah, The Way We Were was a sad love story, hence the lyrics, and I myself has in numerous occasions escaped into that song whenever I feel the blues. At least now I don't see myself using it as my sad love song somehow.

I think I should plan a chinese subtitle for the next one, perhaps. I have a feeling it will not feel the same for my Mum and her siblings.

A day since it was up, I suppose with the few compliments on it, (mainly on Larry's fb and page, since I haven't shared it on mine the scaredy-dogg I am) it doesn't matter if I'd chose the wrong pics, if I'd chose the wrong song, or I'd pick a wrong time to do a montage of some sort. I did it because I want to remember the good times, the smiles, and her laughter and I did it because I want to remember her by the memories that we shared. Rest in peace, dear sister.