Tuesday 3 May 2016

OJ Law - After All

OJ Law's new song came out last week (should be, I might've lost track of time somehow), I suppose it must be getting decent airtime on Malaysian-friendly music stations. Don't ask me, these few months back home and I haven't bothered to change the frequencies, it's not like I am harboring much hope to be driving the trusty junk back to KL anytime soon with my current broke-ass'ness.

Finally remembered earlier today from the subscription feed about this music video, in which with the horrendous connection, I suspended that tab almost as soon as the page was loading. (yeah, I got most of my things done in these few wee hours late into the dead of night, whereas it is going through my diminishing supply of tv series and movies during the day, or read occasionally)
Getting back to this song (finally) minutes ago, I was even so intrigued with "Starring : Patrick Teoh"

Utterly beautiful tune, lyrics are, well dangerously bittersweet, yet true and the video direction, oh my ~ another video-on-loop moment.

I can't shake the mental image of Patrick Teoh's performance in Executive Spa in this video's scene of him cussing & driving