Wednesday 12 April 2017

The Madness of March & Onwards We Go

It certainly had been a brilliant month of March for me. I suppose I sort of preemptively prepared myself for a hectic one about the time mid February; as for one I do plan to start believing (and the whole works of talking myself into doing something) but boy, it pretty much was a curve-ball head-on and of course I survived to tell the tale; and also a bit of what transpired up til today nearing the middle of April, too.

I anticipated a heavier 'work' load as I know (and saying 'YES' to God) being actively involved with church and finalizing my menu would take a huge chunk of daily activities; somehow I stated to cut down on the many tv series, and comics I follow, and it was a timely thing indeed, as most of those shows were heading for their mid & season breaks (and Marvel's Iron Fist came and gone too, watched it staggered-ly over 5-6 days) and of course, the hoarder in me is still hoarding whichever is available; for rainy days y'know!

Aside from regularly attending Prayer Meetings (Wednesdays & Thursdays, with alternate Mondays &/or Tuesdays) I got myself properly signed-up in a Cell Group and the Young Adults too. (wasn't too keen, alas, I fall under the 40 year-old entry, so...yeah, it certainly is a blessing to be in this group too)
With these two groups I found myself in, it certainly has been a great way to actually get involved in the church and serve in whichever way. Now, I might not be no stranger to these, but it certainly has been a good many years since I was active in a church; timely so that I took the whole of last year to get acquainted spiritually (getting myself ready and still is) for the numerous roles I started filling.
The Lord has certainly blessed me with a few gifts as I think I was the only one of the new cell members to actually put 3 talents (oh course, I ain't exactly certified for it, just picked it up + decent amount of practice I suppose? Master of None) and of course I remembered I was mindfcuking myself of putting a bit too many when I know all 3 of them were self bumbled -taught.

And so that was that!
I've survived playing the guitar for a worship session with my Cell Group (yeah, I've been playing in front of crowd of Old Folks and that Christmas Carol-ing; but I've not been playing 'proper' English worship songs for years ok?) and of course it was a straight back-down from me to lead that session; reason being I am not that confident to lead as I haven't done so since 10+ years ago. Come to think of it, I doubt I actually led that many worship sessions (in the past) too.
I realized too, that I have a problem remembering chords and even the rhythm, these days. The best I could remember a complete song progression I suppose I'd somehow forget about it partially by the next week. Oh well, practice makes it better, huh?

I've also started to actually share my design works too. I mean I've given and told a few as of last year but I hadn't been brave enough to share my works as I am being skeptical with my designs, I suppose.
I've started sharing that I could do some design work for the YA group; and actually did a couple of samples for an e-vite for next week's bowling (gah! I've never liked this 'sport'; but I am attending lol, things people do...) and with jittery fingers awaiting the committee to respond from the turned out pretty good I might say. Received a good bunch of kind encouraging words, Praise the Lord! I found myself having the thought to tell someone that I could, teach guide others on how to design, in the near future mayhap. Yeah I should totally help people to learn this kinda skill, huh?
Designing things also kinda got its' kick-start from the next 'talent';

I get to actually do something about my sandwich distributing plans! Of course, I haven't really sell it to the public; but I get to actually practice making it (and troubleshooting and finalizing) with my first contribution to the Cell Groups' potluck, which was a dry run before that weekend's Sunday service in supplying the refreshments after church. I certainly had a brillo 7 hours prep and making the 130 odd sandwiches on that Saturday night (which coincides with my first YA group meet earlier that night) and certainly with blood sweat tears and ache-y back, it was well-received by a lot of people, with various questions posed and practically got me embarrassed and smiling like an idiot. Of course I didn't get that much of a profit per se; but it is a matter of getting some work in and well, a way for my future 'wares' to get noticed.

actual menu for the day. luckily got a friend to help to print it as I couldn't find a printer the night before

making sammiches for CG makan-makan; Mom could snap a decent picture, hurray!

And so, that's basically March (and a little bit of April) for me. This post has gone far enough, I suppose I'll leave the other huge chunk for another entry.