Monday 9 October 2017


clearing my desktop time of the week, instead of just dropping some of these in their respective folders (and forget about them for some time) I suppose that little voice/or maybe just reminded about what a few persons did say to me, 'dude, how about you start your portfolio?' well, not in that sentence as-a-matter-of-fact, it generally meant that as I answered myself in their own voices/finishing their sentences whenever I have these little snippet epiphanies such as these. It is completely normal, ain't it?
Or it least I get my constant reminders. It still matter if I actually do something about it, eh? which I normally wouldn't and the cycle completes itself and further along someday another improv-ed mini epiphany would roll about.

anyhow,. as I am in the midst of playing about the few site-makers today, (kinda long overdue-d yet without a deadline kinda thing; however I shall prevail today, fingers-crossed) and so I have my hands full and shall proceed to upload and store some of my digital designs that I am not-too-ashamed-of-to-share these few weeks back and by golly I did quite a bit in this period. Praises to Your name!

with translatin' assistance from Harry!
October is for Thor:Ragnarok, nobody got my reference of the color, oh well, November will have to be that team-up movie for them DC members to catch then

some of the marketing collateral for FGB event

I've started to get church-assigned graphic tasks too, yay!